I have given a lot of thought to this issue. And I think the answer is narcissism.
Why would a billionaire want to exploit all the planet's resources at the cost of putting all of civilization (including his family) at risk?
1 Because they live life as a video game. And in their mind, when their game (their life) is over, civilization is also over. Because only they matter. Musk suggests that the world can be a simulation. What can you expect from someone who publicly says that the rest of us are holograms?
2 Because they want to be immortal. I know it sounds like conspirators but thinks about it. Neuralink, the ambitious project of "brain chips," is already a reality. Trans humanism is already here. But playing god requires a lot of money. And that's why they keep draining resources and sucking up capital like vacuum cleaners.
You and I live in the real world. Billionaires are playing a game of StarCraft.
Someone could tell me they have families.
Look, when you name your kid X AE A-XII I think you're just trying to get attention. Which reaffirms my theory of narcissism. And that would imply that you have the family because it's your B option. That is... if, in the end, your plans as a disturbed narcissist fail and you don't beat death, at least you leave your genes in the world.
This is all very scary.
Thank you very much as always for your work, and above all for making me think. And for developing my critical thinking.