I was born with many allergies like animal hair, pollen, olive trees, plants, etc. Likewise, my body was prone to addiction: tobacco, alcohol, carbohydrates, etc.
And if I were asked for a single lesson that addiction has taught me, I would answer... We become addicted, so we don't feel lonely inside.
When you feel the monkey demanding its dose inside you, it's a horrible dependency situation. The withdrawal syndrome is intense. But you have it inside, and that makes you subconsciously not feel lonely.
For me, addiction not only made my escape from reality for a while, but it also made me feel less lonely. —In a negative way.
As if in my body, I shared a house with an abusive father (withdrawal syndrome). —But growing up in an abusive environment.— My toxic definition of love was similar to experiencing the feeling of being an addict.
I don't know if I made myself clear. And I hope this is helpful to someone. Because if you understand that you are addicted because you feel subconsciously lonely... the solution is to find an environment of good people to interact with.
Thank you for your amazing work, as always, Jessica.