I'll tell you how I did it (but consult a doctor)
I'm just sharing my process with you. (THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVISE)
It worked for me and I shared it with my brother and it worked for him. And two of my friends too.
1. I bought a very expensive vape, to entertain myself with all the vaping modes it has.
2. I bought vaping liquid and put the nicotine level equivalent to the tobacco I smoked.
3. I reduce a 0ยด1% of nicotine every time I bought a large bottle of new vaping liquid.
4. When I reached zero nicotine level, I continued vaping, liquid without nicotine, for about six months.
5. My vaper broke and I didn't feel the need to buy another one.
The good thing about this method is that since my head knows that I can reduce the dose of nicotine very little by little if I relapse again, I don't have tobacco in my head all day.
That is to say, this method has not only allowed me to quit smoking, but I don't even miss smoking.