Thanks, Burton.
Sometimes I think life can only be two things.
A. A movie where everything is already predetermined beforehand but our consciousness doesn't know it. And God is a joker.
B. A video game where the environment has been predetermined but the player can decide how he interacts with it.
In the first A, there are no potential futures. There is only fate. Since you live in deterministic universe, you just have the feeling of deciding. If you know all the causes, you know all the effects, and therefore chance or free will do not exist.
In case B, there is free will, but even so, for things to happen they have to have been programmed beforehand. Think of the video game Supermario, you can pass the screen without becoming a giant, but if you get a mushroom, your avatar grows in size or shoots fire. But for that future where your Supermario is bigger and shoots fireballs to happen, it has to have been programmed as code before.
In this article, my money is on option B: the video game. For it makes sense to study the behavior of the consciousnesses involved in the game.
And therefore, all possible futures (whatever they are) have been previously programmed. This means that there is a finite number of possible potential futures. But also that we can reach that better version of supermario where our avatar becomes big and shoots fireballs.